Maumee Valley Planning Organization
Serving Defiance, Fulton, Henry, Paulding, and Williams Counties in Northwest Ohio
Defiance County Land Reutilization Corporation (Land Bank)
500 W. Second St., Suite 101 (419) 782-8741
The Defiance County Land Reutilization Corporation (DCLRC), also called the Defiance County Land Bank, was formed in 2019 with a mission to reclaim, rehabilitate, and reutilize vacant, abandoned, tax-foreclosed, or other real property in the County. The Land Bank Board is made up of two County Commissioners, the County Treasurer, a municipal representative from the largest municipality, and a township representative, as required by the Ohio Revised Code §1724.03.
Board of Directors
David Kern, President
Curt Sigg, Vice President
Vickie Myers, Secretary/Treasurer
Niki Warncke, Appointed Director
Mick Pocratsky, Appointed Director
Demolition Contractors
If you are a demolition contractor and would like to bid on any future demolition projects, you must be pre-qualified. Complete the demolition pre-qualification form found on the Bids & RFQs Tab.
There are currently no properties for sale.
In the fall of 2019 the Land Bank applied for and received $475,000 to clean up the former SK Hand Tool brownfield site at 135 Hickory Street in Defiance. The project is funded through the U.S. EPA's Brownfield's program, which was established to help revitalize local economies and protect the environment by transforming properties that may be contaminated by hazardous pollutants so they can be returned to productive use. The project is currently underway; project updates and community outreach information will be made available at this site.
The former SK Hand Tool site, which will be cleaned up using funds awarded through the US EPA's Brownfields program.
Meeting Schedule
Meetings are typically held monthly on the last Tuesday of each month at 9:00 a.m. in the E911 Conference Room in the Commissioner's Building. The meetings are open to the public. To confirm the next meeting date and time, email Vickie Myers at or Estee Blair at