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Long Range Plan

Transportation Plan

The long-range transportation plan, Moving Together 2045, is a multi-modal, comprehensive plan meant to serve as a blueprint for how the MVPO region wants to improve the transportation system over time.  

Regional Transportation Improvement Program

A four-year transportation planning document which presents the fiscally balanced, multi-modal transportation program for the region. Data from Regional Transportation Improvement Plan (RTIP) is utilized in the overall State Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP).


RTPO Work Program

The comprehensive planning program over the course of the next fiscal year and corresponds to the July 1 through June 30 time period. The document serves as the budgeting mechanism and describes the work that is necessary to maintain the transportation planning process.

RTIP & Work Program

Mobility Management Program

Coordinating efforts to expand access to mobility by increasing understanding and awareness of transportation needs, promote coordination of transportation options to meet needs, and build sustainable and healthy communities by integrating transportation into planning and programs.

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Mobility Management

Public Participation Plan

Outlines the public involvement process that provides complete information, timely public notice and full public access at all key stages of decision-making relating to transportation planning.

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Title VI/Limited English Proficiency Plan

Maumee Valley Planning Organization assures that no person shall be discriminated against concerning race, color, or national origin. 

PPP & Title VI
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