Maumee Valley Planning Organization

Serving Defiance, Fulton, Henry, Paulding, and Williams Counties in Northwest Ohio
Fulton County
Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2040
The Fulton County Comprehensive Plan Update 2040 will create a blueprint for our future that will guide the County in its decision making for the next 20 years. Balancing growth with preservation is important in the agricultural communities within Fulton County, Ohio. Urban growth areas have been designated around City and Village centers, but the majority of land has been preserved. The County’s Comprehensive Plan, developed in 1998, outlined the issues facing the County, which involved agricultural preservation, managing growth, and promoting a community character. 20 years later, these issues are still important in Fulton County. Additionally, with the projected decline in population, it is necessary to gather the data and information necessary to move the County forward. As such, the County needs input from its residents to determine the best strategies to address the issues presented years ago, as well as the issues facing the County in the present and future.