Maumee Valley Planning Organization
Serving Defiance, Fulton, Henry, Paulding, and Williams Counties in Northwest Ohio
FY 26/PY 39 Applications for the Ohio Public Works State SCIP/LTIP are now available. The Scoring, Methodology, and Priority Rating Sheet can be accessed at the bottom of this page.
Defiance County ​
Erie County
Fulton County​
Henry County​
Ottawa County​
Paulding County​
Sandusky County​
Williams County​
Wood County​
OPWC Infrastructure funding programs include:
State Capital Improvement Program (SCIP) and SCIP Loan, and SCIP Credit Enhancement, also referred to a Loan Assistance. Eligible applicants are counties, cities, villages, townships, and water and sanitary districts (ORC 6119 or 6117). Eligible projects are for improvements to roads, bridges, culverts, water supply systems, wastewater systems, storm water collection systems, and solid waste disposal facilities; and
Local Transportation Improvement Program (LTIP) is limited to roads and bridges, only. Counties, cities, villages and townships may apply for these funds.
FY26/PY39 Application Deadline: Applications are due September 13, 2024 by 4:00 p.m.
PLEASE NOTE: This year applications are required to be submitted through the OPWC WorksWise Portal. In addition to the portal submittal, one electronic pdf file of the application and exhibits must be submitted to the respective County Subcommittee by the deadline.
In order to access the Portal, you must sign up for a username and password. Visit for details on how to request access, as well as training videos on how to use the system. Paper applications can still be used, but the applications must still be put into the WorksWise portal in order to be eligible for scoring. Contact your Program Representative or District Liaison for questions.
If you have not yet registered to receive your Workswise login, please do so by contacting Ashley Ellrod at
Ashley Ellrod
Program Representative
Ohio Public Works Commission
Should you have trouble submitting the application and will be unable to meet the deadline please contact Dennis Miller, District 5 Liaison at or 419-784-3882 for assistance. The submittal to the County Subcommittee by the Application Deadline is required regardless of your ability to submit the application through the WorksWise Portal.