Maumee Valley Planning Organization

Serving Defiance, Fulton, Henry, Paulding, and Williams Counties in Northwest Ohio

Freight Plan
Maumee Valley Planning Organization plans to partner with key stakeholders in the five-county region to develop a Regional Freight Plan. This plan will support the region’s communities, transportation planning organizations and manufacturing and logistics industries.
Purposes of the Freight Plan:
Plan Logistics
MVPO, in collaboration with regional partners, will initiate work on this Freight Plan in November 2022 and complete it in June of 2023. This plan includes an assessment of the needs of freight movement and freight-oriented land uses and current capabilities for meeting those needs. The gap between needs and capabilities has been addressed through sector-specific and inter-disciplinary strategies, which are presented in this final plan for endorsement and approval by the area partners. As the movement of goods transcends jurisdictional boundaries, freight-related decisions can have wide-ranging impacts within and outside of the region. This Freight Plan is consistent with other regional efforts, making sure freight priorities complement, or do not conflict with, other important initiatives. The Freight Plan will be developed in conformance to the Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act legislation and more recent Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) legislation in 2021 in mind to ensure the analysis and recommendations are consistent with federal legislative guidance. The Freight Plan will be supportive of the Ohio statewide transportation planning studies as well as regional and local jurisdiction transportation planning initiatives